Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Rugen island

hi ,

i am fine here.. hope the same from u.. my work is going on fine.. yesterday was a holiday here..its a national holiday . the day is called as "Deutschen Einheit". in english it s German reunification day.. the german name i got from my friend , kaladhar..

since its a holiday , i went to nearby island called Rugen island. it s the biggest island of germany..on northeastern tip.. its in baltic sea.. on the way i visited rostock and stralsund..

the trip was not great.. the two towns wre ordinary.. rugen island was not as i expected. i was expecting beaches everywhere with cliffs, sand dunes etc.. but its not what i saw..its a huge island with many towns with in..if u want to see sand beaches go to a town called Binz, for bays go to bergen auf rugen..for national park and chalkcliffs to sassnitz. i went to binz and sassnitz..

the only worthy thing in this trip was "Konigsstuhl".." The kings chair".. does that remind u of kings chair in kodaikanal?

let me tell something about chalk cliffs.. this i got from the net..
Chalk is a soft, white, porous sedimentary rock a form of limestone composed of the mineral calcite. It forms under relatively deep marine conditions from the gradual accumulation of minute calcite plates (coccoliths shed from micro-organisms called coccolithophores. It is common to find flint and chert nodules embedded in chalk.
Chalk is relatively resistant to erosion and slumping compared to the clays with which it is usually associated, thus forming tall steep cliffs where chalk ridges meet the sea. Chalk hills, known as chalk downland, usually form where bands of chalk reach the surface at an angle, so forming a scarp slope. Because chalk is porous it can hold a large volume of ground water, providing a natural reservoir that releases water slowly through dry seasons. .

coming to sassmund chalk cliffs. they became famous with this painting by casper david friedrich, titled Kreidefelsen auf RĂ¼gen

the most popular photos of konigsstuhl are taken from victoria sicht.. a smaller cliff with a viewing platform..this view can only be obtained in a walking tour.. but u miss most of the other chalk cliffs by walking..so the best way to see the chalk cliffs is to take a boat ride from sassnitz harbour..i missed that as i dint know about it..

any way i am happy to have captured the konigssthul from a popular view..

                                                                      BALTIC SEA

                                                                 RUGEN ISLAND

KONIGSSTUHL- View from victoria sicht.

KONIG wt the konigsstuhl--kidding I AM ON the victoria sicht.


jasmund national park

RUGEN BRIDGE-connects stralsund and rugen island an architectural marvel.. about to get completed in couple of years.








it was ok... as i said u should spend whole day for chalk cliffs and the binz sand beach ..be prepared to change lots of trains and buses ..also for long waits..


illl be back with my brussels, belgium experience on monday


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